Detailed Timeline for Studio Art SIP

Below is an outline of structure and timeline for studio SIPs in the Art Department. This is for our typical studio SIP—major in the department, for one unit—but we will also address other possibilities such as non-major SIPs and the occasional two-unit SIPs.

Junior Spring

  • General SIP meeting
  • Meet with advisor individually
  • Register for Advanced Studio
  • Special SIPs will also be registered at this time

As a rising senior, an informational meeting on the SIP will be held.

Afterwards, the student should contact and meet with the appropriate professor/advisor from the department to iron out details.

Also at this time, the student will register for Advanced Studio—to be taken in the fall of their senior year.

If the SIP is a special case, the student may also register (through the registrar) at this time for a fall SIP or an extended fall SIP.

Senior Fall

  • Advanced Studio Course—students should deeply explore ideas as well as influences and context of their work
  • Register for the SIP quarter
  • Turn in a SIP proposal to your advisor
  • Advanced Studio group exhibition

The student takes Advanced Studio during the fall of their senior year.

In this class they will focus on and develop possible SIP ideas while reading and discussing theory with their peers. (Since the presentation will be eliminated, attention must be paid to development of oral communication as per our stated outcomes.)

The student will register for the official SIP quarter, which occurs in winter. The student should also give a final SIP proposal to their advisor.

There will be a group exhibition of their work at the conclusion of this class (the Annual Advanced Studio Exhibition).

Senior Winter

A week by week guide to winter term is found here

  • Official SIP quarter
  • Artistic production
  • Attend working critique mid-quarter
  • Draft of narrative and artist statement due Thursday of finals week
  • Attend final critique and oral defense Thursday of finals week

This is the official SIP quarter for the student.

All of the artistic production must happen during this quarter, along with a rough draft of their SIP narrative and artist statement.

At the end of the quarter a final critique will be scheduled. During this event, the student will once again meet with at least three professors in the department for an oral defense of the work.

If the student passes (and has the desire to do so) she/he may have an exhibition during the spring quarter.

Senior Spring


Due to pandemic-related campus closure, Spring 2020 exhibits and presentations are cancelled or will take place online.

  • Final draft of narrative and artist statement immediately due (end of week one)
  • Optional Exhibitions & Presentations
  • Most student will opt for an exhibition

Final draft of paper and artist statement due at the end of the first week of this quarter. Read the Document Style Guide.

Also during this quarter, the student may opt for an exhibition of their work in the Light Fine Arts Gallery. More than about labels and lighting, the student will focus on the presentation of their work in a larger sense. They may opt to give a presentation or public gallery talk while their show is up.

If they have room in their schedule, and have worked something out with a professor, the student may take an Independent Study to get credit for the work involved with the installation and presentation. To fill out the credit, this work can be augmented with professional practices and the like depending on the needs of the student.

Notes: In special cases, we will leave the door open for two-unit SIPs—if the student is applying for graduate school during their senior year, for example. Other exceptions to the above timeline might be non-major SIPs who are not required to take Advanced Studio, though it is encouraged.