Call for Submissions: Art & Art History Department Show

General Information

Current art students are invited to participate in the Art + Art History Department Art Exhibition, which will take place at the Kalamazoo College Community Studio (KCCS) during spring quarter. The show is open to all students majoring or minoring in art, and all students are encouraged to submit something!

Artwork submission will be held during Week 10 from Wednesday, March 13th through Friday, March 15th. The exhibition will take place on Friday, May 3rd. Please see below for submission information

The exhibition will be up for May Art Hop (May 3rd) at the Park Trades Center. The event will run from 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM and will include a reception hosting snacks and beverages. The Park Trades Center is vibrant and lively stop for Art Hop so invite your friends and family to join us for a great night!   

Art Submissions 

Wednesday thru Friday of week 10 (March 13th – 15th), 10am – 6pm. 

Bring artwork to Marissa Klee-Peregon, Art Department Office Coordinator, in FAB 120. 

If you have any questions about submissions or are unable to drop work off during the times listed above, please contact the Post-Bac Jacob Converse (  

Artwork Requirements 

  • 1 work of any size, medium, or topic 
  • Clearly label your works with the following information:
    • Your full name
    • Title
    • Medium
    • Your email address
    • Installation instructions
      • An arrow indicating which way is up (on tape or sticky note)
      • Any special instructions about installation. You are welcome to submit installation works, but we may require that you be available during the week leading up to the show to install.
    • Photos and digital artwork must be printed and ready to hang.
    • Video work may be emailed to Jacob Converse ( by the end of the day on Friday, March 15th. Please use the subject line “Department Exhibition Submission” 

Your artwork will be stored safely until the exhibition, and will be returned to you afterwards. 

Art History Submissions  

Students at any level may submit a paper or project to be displayed. Submissions should be turned in to Marissa Klee-Peregon/Jacob Converse in the Art office (FAB 120) by Friday, March 15th. 


If submitting a short paper (3-10 pages) print and submit the following:  

  1. Title page containing a. title of paper b. your name and information (such as pronouns, major/minor if declared) c. course title, quarter, and year  
  2. An abstract on its own page (for help with this, work with Dr. Butler). 
  3. The paper.  

If submitting a long paper (10+ pages, e.g. a SIP) submit 1 and 2 above, along with 3. an excerpt of the paper of up to 10 pages. Indicate at the beginning of the paper that this is an excerpt from the project. 

Summer Funding Opportunity for Studio Art & Art History Majors – 2024


The Art & Art History Department is excited to announce that we can once again offer funding to support summer opportunities for majors in the department. Please read below for information about what funding is available, what activities are eligible, and how to apply. Applications are due on March 10th, 2024.

Kalamazoo College students who are declared Studio Art or Art History majors, including first year students who have declared and graduating seniors, are all eligible to apply to funds for summer opportunities.  

The Art Department has two funds through which it can support academic and career development in Studio Art or Art History. Funds vary from year to year. This year, the department will support a limited number of $300-$2000 grants for two groups of students: 1) rising Seniors conducting research in preparation for the SIP, and 2) students at any level requesting funding for experiential opportunities such as internships or other art opportunities.   


  • Activity must start and end during K’s summer break (June 12th – September 13th in 2024) 
  • Students receiving funding will be required to write a thank you letter to the donors of the award.  
  • Funding may only be used for:
    • Travel expenses such as mileage, airfare, train fare, and/or accommodations
    • Tuition/housing expenses for art workshops at nationally or internationally recognized art centers such as Ox-Bow School of Art (Michigan, see below/attached), Anderson Ranch (Colorado), and Haystack School of Art (Maine), or regional art centers with prestigious programming, such as the Kirk Newman School of Art at the Kalamazoo Institute of Art, Kalamazoo Book Arts Center, or Glass Art Kalamazoo
    • Stipends for unpaid museum internships, art center internships, or studio assistantship  

How to Apply 

Complete the Art and Art History Department’s applicationby Sunday, March 10, 2024.  

Don’t have something lined up yet? Apply for the Ox-Bow School of Art Workshop Scholarship: 

Ox-Bow School of Art and the K College Art and Art History Department are offering matching scholarships for one-week or two-week summer workshops. Students interested in attending Ox-Bow must submit both the Ox-Bow application (including work samples) and the Art and Art History Department’s application.  

​About the Grant: 

The Campbell Fund was established by Shane ’93 and Julie ‘94 Campbell in appreciation of their own discovery and commitment to the visual arts while at K College which led them to dedicate their personal and professional lives to the arts. Experiential opportunities that provided context for art and engaged them in global conversations about art, such as travel to museums and art fairs, as well as an internship at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis had a pivotal impact on the Campbells. In endowing this fund, they hope to provide art majors with the opportunity to explore art outside, as well as inside, the classroom by providing funds to support travel and living expenses in the pursuit of a global art education.  

Funding for rising Seniors conducting Art or Art History SIPs and applying for opportunities that will lead into or contribute to the development of their SIPs may be supported by the Tedrow Little Tyler Scholarship in Art Fund (TLT). The Tedrow Little Tyler Scholarship was established by Mary Little Tyler in honor of her parents who attended Kalamazoo College. Hundreds of art students have been supported by the Tedrow Little Tyler Scholarship since its inception in 1988.


If you have any questions about the grants or the application, or need help thinking about possible summer activities, reach out to any professor in the department.