General Information Students are invited to participate in the Art + Art History Department Art Exhibition, which will take place at the Kalamazoo College Community Studio (KCCS) during spring quarter. The show is open to all students majoring or minoring in art — we’d love to include some of your work! Artwork submission will be […]
Art & Art History Department Show (& Dinner)!

Our Post Bacc Fellow, Jacob, and Gallery Assistant, Natalie, have been hard at work getting the Art & Art History Department Show together — and it opens on Friday, May 3rd!
“Hogan-Minded”: Race and Place in Georgia O’Keeffe’s Southwest

Thursday, April 11, 6:00 – 7:00pm | Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. In a talk drawing on his dissertation research, Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellow Dr. James Denison will argue that past interpretations of Georgia O’Keeffe’s New Mexican paintings have obscured her engagement with Southwestern Indigenous cultures…
Call for Submissions: Art & Art History Department Show

Current art students are invited to participate in the Art + Art History Department Art Exhibition, which will take place at the Kalamazoo College Community Studio (KCCS) during spring quarter. The show is open to all students majoring or minoring in art, and all students are encouraged to submit something!
Amalia Scorsone ’24 – Short Documentary Screening

Intro to Documentary Video student Amalia Scorsone will be screening her short documentary “Premium Orange” as part of the upcoming Kalamazoo Film Society Filmmakers Showcase. The Showcase will take place at 6:30 pm, March 13 at Celebration Cinema in Portage. Tickets are $5.00. Premium Orange An a cappella group gets ready for their upcoming show and […]
Alum Spotlight: Heather Boersma

We were so pleased to have Heather Boersma ’89 present her show Covid Purse Diary at K in fall 2022. While we were setting the show up, we chatted with her about her work, her time at K, and her path after graduation. Heather majored in English when she studied at Kalamazoo College. She didn’t […]
Summer Funding Opportunity for Studio Art & Art History Majors – 2024

The Art & Art History Department is excited to announce that we can once again offer funding to support summer opportunities for majors in the department. Kalamazoo College students who are declared Studio Art or Art History majors, including first year students who have declared and graduating seniors, are all eligible to apply to funds for summer opportunities.
Distance Learning Spring Term 2020
Kalamazoo College announces a move to distance learning for Spring term 2020. This difficult decision was made based on rapidly evolving recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and our local and state governments. This action is being taken with an abundance of caution. The health and safety of all members of our community and their loved ones must be […]
Art Hop: Community Voices
Join the center for Civic Engagement in partnership with the Department of Art and Art History at Art Hop, Friday, March 6, 5-9pm at the Kalamazoo College Community Student Park Trades Center. Artwork created by students in Woodward Elementary Comic Book Club and the KRESA Young Adult program will be on display