Art & Art History Department Show (& Dinner)!

Our Post Bacc Fellow, Jacob, and Gallery Assistant, Natalie, have been hard at work getting the Art & Art History Department Show together — and it opens on Friday, May 3rd!

The Department Show features work form students throughout the department, working in a range of media and on a variety of topics. It’s all on view at the Kalamazoo College Community Studio (KCCS) during May Art Hop.

Before the reception, Art & Art History students, faculty, and staff are invited to join us for the annual Department Dinner, where we’ll all hang out and eat Saffron. The dinner is from 4:30 – 5:30, and we’ll open the exhibition to the public at 6pm.

If you’re attending the dinner and leaving from campus, folks are gathering in the FAB Lobby at 4:10pm to walk down together!

Event details

Friday, May 3rd
4:30 – 5:30pm: Department Dinner (for students, faculty, and staff in the department)
6:00 – 8:00pm: Reception (invite your non-art-department friends to this part)

Kalamazoo College Community Studio
Park Trades Center #312
326 W Kalamazoo Ave

“Hogan-Minded”: Race and Place in Georgia O’Keeffe’s Southwest

Georgia O’Keeffe, Taos Pueblo, 1994, oil on canvas. Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art.

This Thursday at the KIA: a talk by Art History Professor James Denison!

Thursday, April 11, 6:00 – 7:00pm | Kalamazoo Institute of Arts | 314 S Park St., Kalamazoo, MI 49007

A native of the DC area and a graduate of Bowdoin College, James Denison recently completed his PhD in Art History at the University of Michigan. During the summer of 2023, he joined the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts and Kalamazoo College as the Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellow.

In a talk drawing on his dissertation research, Denison will argue that past interpretations of Georgia O’Keeffe’s New Mexican paintings have obscured her engagement with Southwestern Indigenous cultures. He will highlight the influence of tourist contexts and period racial thinking on her work, describing how it relied upon and perpetuated romantic stereotypes about those cultures circulating within interwar New Mexico and the Manhattan avant-garde. Ultimately, her paintings and writings make clear that she saw the region much as countless others had before: as both deeply informed by the presence and history of its Native peoples and as open, empty, and ripe for claiming.

This ARTful Evening is presented jointly by the KIA and Kalamazoo College. The lecture is free to attend, but preregistration is encouraged!

Amalia Scorsone ’24 – Short Documentary Screening

Intro to Documentary Video student Amalia Scorsone will be screening her short documentary “Premium Orange” as part of the upcoming Kalamazoo Film Society Filmmakers Showcase. The Showcase will take place at 6:30 pm, March 13 at Celebration Cinema in Portage. Tickets are $5.00.

A still from "Premium Orange." A group of mostly-white college students pose onstage during a rehearsal.

Premium Orange

An a cappella group gets ready for their upcoming show and reflects on their experiences with Premium Orange

Distance Learning Spring Term 2020

 Kalamazoo College announces a move to distance learning for Spring term 2020. This difficult decision was made based on rapidly evolving recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and our local and state governments. This action is being taken with an abundance of caution. The health and safety of all members of our community and their loved ones must be paramount.

Michigan Governor's message to stay home and stay safe