Ceramics Studio Assistants (two per year, ceramics experience required, detail oriented, organized)
Photo/Digital Lab Assistants (one or two advanced students)
Printshop Assistant (one position in one term per year)
Gallery Assistant (one position per year)
Office Assistant (one position per year)
Theatre Department
Scene Shop and Costuming work study positions offer excellent opportunities to use and learn additional hand skills, tools and utilize your creativity (multiple openings every year)
Music Department
Hiring approximately one student per year to design posters and other printed matter
Center for New Media Design
Lab Assistant— awesome opportunity to learn and utilize design skills (approximately four to six per year)
Arcus Center
The Arcus Center appreciates having at least one art student on their work-study team to assist with poster design and other graphics
Other Opportunities
Center for Civic Engagement
Civic Engagement Scholar positions are excellent opportunities for art students. Some years there is an art specific program, but many CESes draw on their art skills and creativity in other programs, as well. (12-15 paid Scholars per year, multiple volunteers for each program)
Internships in the City of Kalamazoo
Book Arts Center (available all terms and over the summer, info on their website + handshake)
Kalamazoo Institute of Arts (contact Dr. Hahn for more info)
Black Arts and Culture Center
Kalamazoo Valley Museum
AirZoo Flight Museum
Project and Travel Grants/Scholarships
Tedrow Little Tyler for SIP expenses (approx. $300/SIP)
Campbell Fund for career development & experiential travel (DUE FEB 23, 2025!)
Pierce Cedar Creek Institutefor Environmental Education Annual Art Fellowship (summer apps due in January)
Ox-Bow School of Art summer program scholarships (winter)