Our Post Bacc Fellow, Jacob, and Gallery Assistant, Natalie, have been hard at work getting the Art & Art History Department Show together — and it opens on Friday, May 3rd!
The Department Show features work form students throughout the department, working in a range of media and on a variety of topics. It’s all on view at the Kalamazoo College Community Studio (KCCS) during May Art Hop.
Before the reception, Art & Art History students, faculty, and staff are invited to join us for the annual Department Dinner, where we’ll all hang out and eat Saffron. The dinner is from 4:30 – 5:30, and we’ll open the exhibition to the public at 6pm.
If you’re attending the dinner and leaving from campus, folks are gathering in the FAB Lobby at 4:10pm to walk down together!
Event details
Friday, May 3rd
4:30 – 5:30pm: Department Dinner (for students, faculty, and staff in the department)
6:00 – 8:00pm: Reception (invite your non-art-department friends to this part)
Kalamazoo College Community Studio
Park Trades Center #312
326 W Kalamazoo Ave